
Cycle Analytics for Traders

Review Cycle Analytics for Traders, + Downloadable Software: Advanced Technical Trading Concepts 



This serves as a technical primer for independent traders who desire to acquire knowledge on the scientific underpinnings of trading instruments and their advantages in the overall trading activity. Theories and practices all derived from researches, case studies, and history are comprehensively presented in this book. Interesting solutions were reinforced by time-tested findings but daunting as these concepts may appear, one does not have to fear this guide as it centers on simplicity rather than carrying out intimidating mathematical and complex statistical discussion. 

Utilizing a pragmatic lens, discussions were rendered to ensure effectiveness and knowledge acquisition. Cycle Analytics for Traders will challenge the current trading psychology of traders, asking interesting queries about indicators and strategies and their relevance to frequency and time domain. Generally, this guide will let traders personalize and create the most viable system enough to produce optimum trading performance.  

If one is looking for a detailed explanation of trading filters and strategies, this book comprehensively offers discussions on related and crucial matters including:

About the Author 

JOHN F. EHLERS is an electrical engineer and a private trader. His fields of expertise are Fields and Waves and Information Theory. He holds BSEE and MSEE from the University of Missouri, and later on, he pursued Dissertation at The George Washington University.

Table of Contents 


About the Author 

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