
MBA ASAP 10 Minutes to: Understanding Corporate Finance

Review MBA ASAP 10 Minutes to: Understanding Corporate Finance



At the heart of Corporate Finance is the book Understanding Corporate Finance: MBA ASAP 10 Minutes to (MBA ASAP 10 Minute Series), detailing the framework of financial professional’s decision-making process when it comes to investing. 

Analytic tools are introduced in this guide to help readers develop their grasp in making financial decisions. The seemingly complex world of finance will be something made look and seem easy as you digress on the concepts present in this book. Primarily, this book will be beneficial to money managers and entrepreneurs to evaluate business performance based on figures and make intelligent financial decisions to make business developments. 

The book will also exploit the time value of money. You will discover the use of Present Net Value and Internal Rate of Return.

Be instantly well-versed in finance by reading this book and run an efficient financial system to make profitable investments.

About the Author

John Cousins authored ten books in finance, which makes him one of the pillars of finance concepts. He founded, a form of online business education community block which contains a plethora of business knowledge on the web. He was the CEO of Biomoda and CFO of numerous public companies. He is teaching business classes at several universities while writing more books about finance.

Table of Contents

MBA ASAP is a short course through corporate finance. It can be read in one sitting (as the title suggests: 10 minutes) as it presents the following short content:


1 Ratio Analysis

2 Time Value of Money

3 Discount Cash Flows

4 Net Present Value

5 Internal Rate of Return
