
Pitch the Perfect Investment: The Essential Guide to Winning on Wall Street by Paul D. Sonkin & Paul Johnson


Paul D Sonkin and Paul Johnson’s “Pitch the Perfect Investment: The Essential Guide to Winning on Wall Street” provides invaluable information to the aspiring investors on how to think financially when investing and evaluating an asset or business through research and proper assessment methods. But it’s not just in line of thinking short-term, but long-term as well. Considered as many by the ultimate guide, Sonkin and Johnson provide an in-depth how-to tutorial from the very beginning when evaluating and assessing risks of an asset to the end where investors maintain a profitable strategy long-term. 

About the Author

Paul D. Sonkin is an analyst and portfolio manager at Gabelli Funds and had previously run The Hummingbird Value Fund for 14 years. He was also an Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School for 16 years and had co-written another work entitled “Value Investing: From Graham to Buffet and Beyond.” 

Paul Johnson currently runs Nicusa Investment Advisors and is also an Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School and the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University. In terms of writing, he had co-written “The Gorilla Game” and contributed to the book titled “Columbia Business School: A Century of Ideas.”

Table of Contents