
Security Analysis, Sixth Edition


Security Analysis had its debut edition back in 1934. Now with its sixth edition, the book acquired laudable recognition and acknowledgments, making it one of the most influential financial books ever published. With millions of copies sold worldwide starting from its debut version up to its fifth, the book never falters in providing investors the necessary investment philosophies, principles, and strategies formulated by Benjamin Graham and David L. Dodd. 

The teachings and financial principles of Benjamin Graham, which was introduced 75 years ago, surpassed the test of time as all can still be applied and used in the contemporary setting. His financial solutions were of great help and have withstood the possibility of getting obsolete as they continue to resolve financial markets in market and country scales. 

Powerful lessons previously presented from cover to cover were reinforced by 200 additional pages of insights from renowned Wall Street professionals and financial managers. Voices including Seth A. Klarman, Jeffrey M. Laderman, James Grant, and other popular market makers contributed insights and infused their experiences to bring a more powerful tool, a guidebook that will aid in security analysis. The collective effort of these people are focused on delivering principles and strategies of Graham and Dodd while bringing out answers why these frameworks, formulated years ago, are of great relevance even up to this day. 


BENJAMIN GRAHAM- He was an American economist, financial analyst, and professional investor born in Britain. He is considered as the father of value investing, theory, and practice he initially presented at Columbia Business School back in 1928. He passed away on September 21, 1976, at the age of 82. 

DAVID DODD-. He was an American professor of finance, financial investor and analyst, author, and economist. Back in his college years, he was a colleague of Benjamin Graham at Columbia Business School.