
The Commitments of Traders Bible: How To Profit from Insider Market Intelligence by Stephen Briese


“The Commitments of Traders Bible: How To Profit from Insider Market Intelligence” solidifies the importance of a Commitments of Traders or a CoT regardless of the status and nature of the trade. Written by the leading expert on anything CoT-related, Stephen Briese elaborates on the predictive in CoT data and teaches readers how to decipher it in order to analyze movements and benefit out of it fully. Briese’s bible is a must-read, filled to the brim with invaluable information and is a great reference and guide for those who want to profit out of it. 

About the Author

Stephen Briese is the leading expert on analyzing the Commitments of Traders data published by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Briese has published a newsletter, Bullish Review, since 1988 and has written articles for several industry publications and spoken at a variety of industry trading and technical analysis conferences.

Table of Contents