
The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

Review The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness



Author Dave Ramsey’s “The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness” encourages readers from all backgrounds to take control of their personal finances. With a writing style akin to a fitness program, Ramsey teaches how to build up from a “skinny” bank account into a “bulkier,” bigger one. “The Total Money Makeover” attempts to dismiss common finance myths delivered by other get-rich-quick books by providing a less complex and more straightforward approach to saving money. With plans to either get rid of debt in no time or securing funds for emergencies and retirement, “The Total Money Makeover” provides small but valuable baby steps that can help readers better understand how money truly flows and works.   

About the Author

Dave Ramsey is considered as America’s trusted voice on money and business. Being the author of five New York Times’ bestselling books titled “Financial Peace,” “More Than Enough,” “The Total Money Makeover,” “EntreLeadership,” and “Smart Money Smart Kids,” he has seen his published works have sold more than 7 million copies combined. He is also the host of his own “The Dave Ramsey Show,” which has an audience of more than 8 million listeners each week broadcasted on more than 500 radio stations, including iHeartRadio.

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